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Centre for Railway Vehicles (Center)
Faculty of Mechanical and Civil Engineering Kraljevo

Centre for Railway Vehicles is the scientific-research unit of the Faculty of Mechanical and Civil Engineering in Kraljevo. The main objectives of the Centre are permanent development of teaching process and scientific-research work, as well as the continuation and promotion of cooperation with industry in the area of railway machine engineering and construction testing.


• Design, construction and calculation of railway vehicles 
• Design, construction and calculation of machine constructions and elements 
• Experimental testing of railway vehicles 
• Experimental testing of machine constructions 
• Consulting services and expertise in the area of railway machine engineering and mechanical constructions  

Name email Host institution
true Petrović Dragan petrovic.d@mfkv.kg.ac.rs Faculty of Mechanical and Civil Engineering Kraljevo
Bižić Milan Faculty of Mechanical and Civil Engineering Kraljevo
Bogojević Nebojša Faculty of Mechanical and Civil Engineering Kraljevo

•     Centre for railway vehicles has many years of experience in the area of design, calculations and testing of railway vehicles

•     Large number of projects in the area of experimental testing of railway vehicles and their components according to valid international standards UIC, TSI, EN, ERRI, etc. 

•     The Centre was engaged in several projects related to the solving of very complex problems in technology of railway vehicles transportation

•     The Centre participated in several international projects and was coordinator of one FP7 project  

•     Important results were achieved by the Centre through realization of great number of national projects under the auspices of the relevant Ministry  

•     Among the most significant results, its research-scientific work in the area of railway machine engineering stands out 

•     The Centre members published great number of scientific papers in relevant international journals and at scientific-professional conferences  

1.    Dragan Petrović, Milan Bižić, Improvement of suspension system of Fbd wagons for coal transportation, Engineering Failure Analysis, Volume 25 (2012), 89–96, doi:10.1016/j.engfailanal.2012.05.001.
2.    Mile Savković, Milomir Gašić, Dragan Petrović, Nebojša Zdravković, Radmila Pljakić, Analysis of the drive shaft fracture of the bucket wheel     excavator, Engineering Failure Analysis 20 (2012), 105–117, doi:10.1016/j.engfailanal.2011.11.004.
3.    Dragan Petrovic, Milan Bizic, Mirko Djelosevic, Determination of dynamic sizes during the process of impact of railway wagons, Archive of     Applied Mechanics, Volume 82, Number 2 (2012), 205-213, doi: 10.1007/s00419-011-0549-5.
4.    Dragan Petrović, Milan Bižić, Milomir Gašić, Mile Savković, Vladeta Gajić, Increasing the Efficiency of Railway Transport by Improvement of Suspension of Freight Wagons, Promet –Traffic&Transportation, Vol. 24, 2012, No. 6, 487-493, doi:10.7307/ptt.v24i6.1202.
5.    Milan Bizic, Dragan Petrovic, Zoran Djinovic, Milos Tomic, Experimental Testing of Impact of Railway Wagons, Experimental Techniques, July 2012, doi:10.1111/j.1747-1567.2012.00850.x.  (in press)


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(FOS2) Engineering and technology
check Mechanical engineeringcheck Materials engineering
Examination Design Measuring Mechanical engineering Transport Railway Railway vehicles Railway vehicles Wagons Calculation Design Experiment