
Catalogue on Research and Innovation
Potential of University of Kragujevac

Business Support Office of the University of Kragujevac

CTC UNIKG tempus
Serbian English

Business Support Office of the University of Kragujevac


Business Support Office of the University of Kragujevac (www.bsokg.kg.ac.rs) was established within the TEMPUS project WBCInno (www.wbc-inno.kg.ac.rs), at the decision of the University Council of 29 April of 2014. year, in order to research and innovation potential of universities make available the business environment and to support the development of the ideas of researchers and students. Office its activities carried out within the Cooperative Training Centre, University of Kragujevac (www.ctc.kg.ac.rs) based at the Faculty of Engineering Sciences, Purchase A-P-31, Sestre Janjic 6, Kragujevac.

In addition to mapping the potential of the university, its presentation within the catalog (printed and online), the staff of the Office is involved in the development and maintenance of collaborative platforms for innovation management (www.ukginno.datastation.com) to gather and develop ideas and entrepreneurial ventures in the university environment.


Office Objectives:


Office activities:


Decision on the establishment of Business Support Office of the University of Kragujevac