„ALARM“ project
Laboratory of Hydrobiology and Centre for Conservation of Biodiversity and Fishing in inland waters - AQUARIUM „PMF KG” |
International |
Agrobiodiversity and land use in Serbia: an integrated assessment of biodiversity core group of arthropods and plant pathogens
Laboratory for General and Applied Entomology |
National |
Analiza kovanja tela zgloba i optimizacija tehnologije
Centre for Virtual Manufacturing |
Corporative |
Aproksimacija integralnih i diferencijalnih operatora i primene
Centre for Economic Research at the Faculty of Economics in Kragujevac |
National |
Assessment of the ecological status in the “Mačkatica-Surdulica” Concesion area
Laboratory of Hydrobiology and Centre for Conservation of Biodiversity and Fishing in inland waters - AQUARIUM „PMF KG” |
International |
Assessment of the ecological status in the Crni Vrh Concesion area
Laboratory of Hydrobiology and Centre for Conservation of Biodiversity and Fishing in inland waters - AQUARIUM „PMF KG” |
International |
Automotive Training Centre for Central Serbia (ATC)
Centre for Automatic Control and Fluid Technique |
International |
Aphids, parasitic wasps and eriophyid mites: diversity and phylogenetic relationships
Laboratory for General and Applied Entomology |
National |
Biodiversity of the Gledić mountains in the City of Kragujevac
Laboratory for General and Applied Entomology |
National |
The biodiversity of terrestrial ecosystems of Šumadija
Laboratory for General and Applied Entomology |
National |
Biological Control Manufacturers in Europe Develop Novel Biological Control Products to Support the Implementation of Integrated Pest Menagement in Agriculture and Forestry
Laboratory for General and Applied Entomology |
International |
Biological quality elements in the implementation of the Water Framework Directive for Serbia
Laboratory of Hydrobiology and Centre for Conservation of Biodiversity and Fishing in inland waters - AQUARIUM „PMF KG” |
National |
Biomonitoring and environmental protection of reservoirs for water supply in Kragujevac
Laboratory for General and Applied Entomology |
National |
Biomonitoring i ekološka zaštita hidroakumulacija za vodosnabdevanje Kragujevca
Laboratory for Microbiology |
National |
Bridge technical differences and social suspicions contributing to transform the Adriatic area in a stable hub for a sustainable technological development
Centre for Automatic Control and Fluid Technique |
International |
Brzi razvoj alata za izradu lavaboa od kompozita
Centre for Virtual Manufacturing |
Corporative |
Building Integration of Solar Thermal Systems (BISTS)
Laboratory for Thermodynamics and Heat Engineering |
International |
Bulk Soft Magnetic Materials
Laboratory for Advanced Materials SASA, Department for Amorphous Systems |
International |
Centre for Preclinical Testing of Active Substances – CPCTAS
Centre for Preclinical Testing of Active Substances / Laboratory for Cell and Molecular Biology |
International |
Centre for Preclinical Testing of Active Substances – CPCTAS
Centre for Molecular Medicine and Stem Cell Research |
International |
Centre for Preclinical Testing of Active Substances – CPCTAS
Laboratory for Microbiology |
International |
Composite material mechanics
Centre for testing and calculation of machine elements and systems - CIPMES |
National |
Computer Science Curricula Founding and Upgrading
Centre for Information Technologies |
International |
Course Development Program +, Rapid Prototyping
Centre for Information Technologies |
International |
JEP - 41016 - 2006 M.Sc. Curriculum in E-Learning
Laboratory E – Lab |
International |
Development of an Anatomical Model for the Simulation of Excitation Propagation And Cardiac Biomechanics
Centre for Bio-Engineering |
International |
Development of Botanical garden in Kragujevac
Botanical Garden in Kragujevac |
International |
Development of environment responsive facade engineering to enhance livability, sustainability, and energy conservation in optimized design of public housing
Laboratory for Thermodynamics and Heat Engineering |
International |
Development of Lifelong Learning Framework in Serbia
Centre for Lifelong Learning, Student Counselling and Career Development |
International |
Development of Metal Forming Electronic Instructional Resources
Centre for Virtual Manufacturing |
International |
Development of the Engineering Software and Improvement of Teaching Process on the Regular and Postgraduate Studies at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Centre for Information Technologies |
International |
DIAUSS Development And Improvement Of Automotive And Urban Engineering Studies In Serbia
Research of Noise, Vibration and Harshness |
International |
Danube through Serbia
Laboratory of Hydrobiology and Centre for Conservation of Biodiversity and Fishing in inland waters - AQUARIUM „PMF KG” |
National |
Dynamics and controlling active constructions (2002-2004.)
Centre for testing and calculation of machine elements and systems - CIPMES |
National |
ECDL for Serbian Administration
Centre for Information Technologies |
International |
ECDL for Serbian Administration
Engineering Software Research Group |
International |
Education Network Based on Information Technology
Centre for Information Technologies |
International |
Ecological monitoring of the Lepenica river in relation to polychlorinated biphenyls in the area of the factory Zastava to the firth of the Great Morava
Laboratory of Hydrobiology and Centre for Conservation of Biodiversity and Fishing in inland waters - AQUARIUM „PMF KG” |
National |
Experimental and theoretical investigation in radiation physics and radioecology
Radiation Physics Group |
National |
eLearning Programme for Serbia and Montenegro
Centre for Information Technologies |
International |
eLearning Programme for Serbia and Montenegro, Creation eLearning Content for Rapid Prototyipng Course
Centre for Information Technologies |
International |
Eliminacija defekata u procesu kovanja primenom FE simulacije
Centre for Virtual Manufacturing |
Corporative |
Energetska efikasnost u Srbiji
Centre for Thermal Technique and Environment Protection |
International |
Energy efficiency of large built environment with complex multi-usage
Laboratory for Thermodynamics and Heat Engineering |
National |
Engineering Business Management and Service Science Master Module
Group for Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulations |
International |
Engineering Business Management and Services Master Module
Centre for Information Technologies |
International |
Enhancing the quality of distance learning at Western Balkan higher education institutions
Laboratory E – Lab |
International |
Environmental and risk assessment the Timok river basin
Laboratory of Hydrobiology and Centre for Conservation of Biodiversity and Fishing in inland waters - AQUARIUM „PMF KG” |
International |
Establishment And Promotion Of Sustainable Regional Centre For Permanent Education
CAD Laboratory |
International |
Ex situ conservation of biodiversity of aquatic ecosystems in Serbia
Laboratory of Hydrobiology and Centre for Conservation of Biodiversity and Fishing in inland waters - AQUARIUM „PMF KG” |
National |
Ex situ zaštita biodiverziteta flore Srbije
Botanical Garden in Kragujevac |
National |
Ex situ protection of species Umbra krameri, Valbaum 1792 (Pisces, Umbridae) artificial spawning, breeding and reintroduction
Laboratory of Hydrobiology and Centre for Conservation of Biodiversity and Fishing in inland waters - AQUARIUM „PMF KG” |
National |
Fauna Europaea
Laboratory for General and Applied Entomology |
International |
FE analiza hidrauličnih gumenih crevovoda 2SN
Centre for Virtual Manufacturing |
Corporative |
FE simulacija dubokog izvlačenja dela kutijastog oblika
Centre for Virtual Manufacturing |
Corporative |
FLOODMED Monitoring, forecasting and best practices for flood mitigation and prevention in the CADSES region
Centre for Information Technologies |
International |
Host specialiazation of aphid parasitoid
Laboratory for General and Applied Entomology |
International |
Improvement of product development studies in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina
CAD Laboratory |
International |
Improvement of the competitiveness of enterprises in Serbia through new technologies transfer and support of innovations
Centre for Virtual Manufacturing |
International |
Infrastruktura za elektronski podržano učenje u Srbiji
Laboratory E – Lab |
National |
Inovativni menadžment za nove proizvode-IMPuls
Laboratory “3D Impulse” |
International |
Integracija otkrivanja zakonitosti podataka i složenog kompjuterskog modeliranja bolesti koronarnih arterija
Centre for Bio-Engineering |
International |
Integracija otkrivanja zakonitosti podataka i složenog kompjuterskog modeliranja bolesti koronarnih arterija
Centre for Bio-Engineering |
International |
Inteligentni sistemi za razvoj softverskih proizvoda i podršku poslovanja zasnovani na modelima
Centre for Economic Research at the Faculty of Economics in Kragujevac |
National |
Research of extracts of local plants (Morus alba, Halascya sendtneri, Daucus carota ssp. carota) as a potential bioinsecticides
Laboratory for General and Applied Entomology |
National |
Istraživanje bezbednosti vozila kao dela kibernetskog sistema: Vozač-Vozilo-Okruženje
Research of Noise, Vibration and Harshness |
National |
Research and promotion of biodiversity of the Šumarice lake for its conservation and sustainable development
Laboratory for General and Applied Entomology |
National |
The biodiversity of the Šumarice Lake, research and promotion for the purpose of conservation and sustainable development
Laboratory of Hydrobiology and Centre for Conservation of Biodiversity and Fishing in inland waters - AQUARIUM „PMF KG” |
National |
Istraživanje i razvoj novih generacija zuba kašike rotornih bagera i bagera vedričara
Centre for Construction and Transportation Machinery |
National |
Istraživanje i razvoj novih koncepcija veza okretne i neokretne konstrukcije mašina transportne i građevinske mehanizacije
Centre for Construction and Transportation Machinery |
National |
Istraživanje i razvoj platforme za naučnu podršku u odlučivanju i upravljanju naučnim i tehnološkim razvojem Srbije
Centre for Economic Research at the Faculty of Economics in Kragujevac |
National |
Istraživanje i razvoj vozila formule 4x4 ukupne mase do 4t
Research of Noise, Vibration and Harshness |
National |
Istraživanje kogeneracionih potencijala u komunalnim i industrijskim energanama Republike Srbije i mogućnosti za revitalizaciju postrojenja
Centre for Economic Research at the Faculty of Economics in Kragujevac |
National |
Istraživanje, razvoj i primena programa i mera energetske efikasnosti elektromotornih pogona
Laboratory for Electrical Machines, Drives and Regulations LEDR - Lab |
National |
Istrаživаnje, rаzvoj i primenа metodа i postupаkа ispitivаnjа, kontrolisаnjа i sertifikаcije sаnitаrne аrmаture i uređаjа u sklаdu sа međunаrodnim stаndаrdimа
Centre for Automatic Control and Fluid Technique |
National |
Izazovi i perspektive strukturnih promena u Srbiji: strateški pravci ekonomskog razvoja i usklađivanja sa zahtevima EU
Centre for Economic Research at the Faculty of Economics in Kragujevac |
National |
Development of action plan of control of introduction, monitoring and repression of allochthonous invasive species
Laboratory of Hydrobiology and Centre for Conservation of Biodiversity and Fishing in inland waters - AQUARIUM „PMF KG” |
National |
Joint Danube Survey II
Laboratory of Hydrobiology and Centre for Conservation of Biodiversity and Fishing in inland waters - AQUARIUM „PMF KG” |
International |
Joint Danube Survey III
Laboratory of Hydrobiology and Centre for Conservation of Biodiversity and Fishing in inland waters - AQUARIUM „PMF KG” |
International |
Karakterizacija i primena metabolita gljiva i utvrđivanje potencijala novih biofungicida
Laboratory for Microbiology |
National |
Kinetics of Glass Transition of Bulk Metallic Glasses
Laboratory for Advanced Materials SASA, Department for Amorphous Systems |
International |
Kinetika i mehanizam reakcija Au(III), Pt(IV) i Ru(II/III) kompleksa i nekih biomolekula
Research Group of Prof. Dr. Živadin D. Bugarčić |
International |
Korišćenje geotermalne energije toplotnom pumpom za grejanje zavoda zavoda za specijalnu rehabilitaciju „Agens“ u Mataruškoj Banji
Centre for Thermal Technique and Environment Protection |
Corporative |
The use of geothermal water for fish farming – african catfish and tilapia
Laboratory of Hydrobiology and Centre for Conservation of Biodiversity and Fishing in inland waters - AQUARIUM „PMF KG” |
National |
Magneto PIM Fabrication of Complex Shaped, Magnetically Soft and Hard Parts Using PIM
Laboratory for Advanced Materials SASA, Department for Amorphous Systems |
International |
Master in Remote Control
Laboratory for Electrical Machines, Drives and Regulations LEDR - Lab |
International |
Master in Remote Control
Laboratory E – Lab |
International |
Mehanizam interakcija kompleksa Pt(II) i Pd(II) sa nekim bio-molekulima
Research Group of Prof. Dr. Živadin D. Bugarčić |
International |
Metallo-Drug Design and Action
Research Group of Prof. Dr. Živadin D. Bugarčić |
International |
Metode modeliranja biomehaničkih sistema sa primenom u medicini,
Centre for Bio-Engineering |
National |
Methods for multiscale modelling with application in biomedicine, OI 174028, 2011-2014.
Group for Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulations |
National |
Modeliranje i optimizacija toplog kovanja aluminijuma
Centre for Virtual Manufacturing |
Corporative |
Modeliranje procesa toplog istiskivanja Al profila kroz komornu matricu
Centre for Virtual Manufacturing |
Corporative |
Modelling and optimization of tool by application of information technologies of virtual manufacturing with experimental verification
Centre for Virtual Manufacturing |
International |
Modelling and Simulation in Metal Forming
Centre for Virtual Manufacturing |
International |
Modernisation of Post-Graduate Studies in Chemistry and Chemistry Related Programmes
Research Group of Prof. Dr. Živadin D. Bugarčić |
International |
Modernization of WBC universities through strengthening of structures and services for knowledge transfer, research and innovation WBC-Inno
Collaborative Training Centre of the University of Kragujevac - CTC |
International |
Molekulske determinante urođene imunosti u autoimunskim bolestima i kancerogenezi
Centre for Molecular Medicine and Stem Cell Research |
National |
Monitoring and forecast model of inflow into Trebisnica basins, 2012.
Group for Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulations |
Corporative |
Monitoring, forecasting and best practices for flood mitigation and prevention in the CADSES region
Group for Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulations |
International |
MSc in eLearning: e- moderating Module
Laboratory E – Lab |
International |
Multi-level patient-specific artery and atherogenesis model for outcome prediction, decision support treatment, and virtual hand-on training
Centre for Bio-Engineering |
International |
Multi-level patient-specific artery and atherogenesis model for outcome prediction, decision support treatment, and virtual hand-on training
Group for Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulations |
International |
Multi-level protection of materials for vehicles by “SMART” nanocontainers
Centre for Bio-Engineering |
International |
Multidisciplinary Studies of Design in Mechanical Engineering
Centre for Construction and Transportation Machinery |
International |
Multiscale mechanisms of lingual mechanical function
Group for Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulations |
International |
New cardiovascular planning and diagnostic tool for coronary arteries in BSEC countries using computational simulation
Centre for Bio-Engineering |
International |
New Methods for Quadrature
Group for Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulations |
International |
Norveška pomoć Srbiji u uvođenju nove energetske politike i uspostavljanju energetskog planiranja na lokalnom nivou
Centre for Thermal Technique and Environment Protection |
International |
Norveška pomoć Srbiji za sprovođenje politike energetske efikasnosti, izradu energetskog bilansa na lokalnom nivou i primenu Kjoto protokola
Centre for Thermal Technique and Environment Protection |
International |
Nova tehnička rešenja i trendovi u izvođenju nastave iz grupe predmeta elektrotehničke struke
Laboratory for Electrical Machines, Drives and Regulations LEDR - Lab |
National |
Novo rešenje modularne metalne spratne garaže
Centre for Construction and Transportation Machinery |
National |
Obrazovanje za sve – unapređenje dostupnosti i kvaliteta obrazovanja dece iz marginalizovanih grupa
Centre for Lifelong Learning, Student Counselling and Career Development |
National |
Opremanje centra za savremene proizvodne tehnologije na Mašinskom Fakultetu u Kraljevu
Laboratory “3D Impulse” |
International |
Optimizacija izvlačenja monobloka sudopere od feritnog čelika
Centre for Virtual Manufacturing |
Corporative |
Optimizacija procesa izrade poklopca od inox lima u četiri operacije
Centre for Virtual Manufacturing |
Corporative |
Optimizacija višeoperacionog kovanja u cilju popunjavanja alata
Centre for Virtual Manufacturing |
Corporative |
Optimization of material forming processes through physical modelling, FE simulation and inverse analysis
Centre for Virtual Manufacturing |
International |
Povećanje energetske efikasnosti postrojenja za proizvodnju toplotne energije pomoću automatskog upravljanja
Centre for Thermal Technique and Environment Protection |
National |
Povećаnje energetske efikаsnosti postrojenjа zа proizvodnnju toplotne energije pomoću аutomаtkog uprаvljаnjа
Centre for Automatic Control and Fluid Technique |
National |
Preclinical testing of bioactive substances
Laboratory for General and Applied Entomology |
National |
Preklinička ispitivanja bioaktivnih supstanci – PIBAS
Centre for Preclinical Testing of Active Substances / Laboratory for Cell and Molecular Biology |
National |
Preklinička ispitivanja bioaktivnih supstanci – PIBAS
Laboratory for Microbiology |
National |
Preklinička ispitivanja bioaktivnih supstanci – PIBAS
Botanical Garden in Kragujevac |
National |
Preklinička ispitivanja bioaktivnih supstanci (PIBAS)
Centre for Economic Research at the Faculty of Economics in Kragujevac |
National |
Primena biomedicinskog inženjeringa u pretkliničkoj i kliničkoj praksi
Centre for Economic Research at the Faculty of Economics in Kragujevac |
National |
Application of biomedical engineering in preclinical and clinical practice, III 41007, 2011-2014.
Group for Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulations |
National |
Primena konvektivno-zračnog rekuperatora za korišćenje otpadne toplote staklarske peći
Centre for Thermal Technique and Environment Protection |
Corporative |
Primena numeričke simulacije za procenu kvaliteta oblikovanja cevi
Centre for Virtual Manufacturing |
Corporative |
Primena rekuperativnog razmenjivača za korišćenje otpadne toplote u mehanički i hemijski abrazivnim sredinama
Centre for Construction and Transportation Machinery |
National |
Primena savremenih metoda menadžmenta i marketinga u unapređenju konkurentnosti preduzeća u Srbiji u procesu njene integracije u EU
Centre for Economic Research at the Faculty of Economics in Kragujevac |
National |
Primena simulacije za procenu kvaliteta zavarene zone pri istiskivanju Al profila
Centre for Virtual Manufacturing |
Corporative |
Artificial Neural Network modelling of silver nanoparticle formation after thermal decomposition of an aerosol
Group for Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulations |
National |
Primena višeparametarskih simulacionih modela radi analize energetske efikasnosti ponašanja tipskih školskih zgrada
Laboratory for Electrical Machines, Drives and Regulations LEDR - Lab |
National |
Procena napona u alatu kroz simulaciju istiskivanja aluminijumskog profila
Centre for Virtual Manufacturing |
Corporative |
Program uvođenja i praćenja efekata primene merača količine toplote u sistemu centralnog grejanja u Kragujevcu
Laboratory for Thermodynamics and Heat Engineering |
National |
Project supervision during rehabilitation of the seepage below Visegrad hydropower plant, 2013.
Group for Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulations |
Corporative |
Projektovanje alata za bočno profilisanje crepnih panela
Centre for Virtual Manufacturing |
Corporative |
Projektovanje i razvoj prototipa četvoroosne numerički upravlјane mašine za navarivanje
Laboratory for Electrical Machines, Drives and Regulations LEDR - Lab |
National |
Projektovanje koračnih alata za izradu delova od lima pojačane čvrstoće
Centre for Virtual Manufacturing |
Corporative |
Projektovanje primene propisa EU o energetskoj efikasnosti kućnih aparata
Laboratory for Electrical Machines, Drives and Regulations LEDR - Lab |
National |
Promoting Innovation in the Industrial Informatics and Embedded Systems Sectors through Networking
Centre for Virtual Manufacturing |
International |
Razvoj anatomskog modela za simulaciju širenja pobuda u kompleksnom sistemu elektro-kardio-biomehanike
Centre for Bio-Engineering |
International |
Razvoj Botaničke bašte u Kragujevcu (2004)
Botanical Garden in Kragujevac |
National |
Razvoj Botaničke bašte u Kragujevcu (2008)
Botanical Garden in Kragujevac |
National |
Development of Drina hydro-information system (stage 3a), 2010
Group for Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulations |
Corporative |
Razvoj eksperimentalnih i teorijskih metoda u radioekologiji
Radiation Physics Group |
National |
Razvoj energetski efikasnog postrojenja za gasifikaciju u kogeneraciju čvrste biomase
Centre for Thermal Technique and Environment Protection |
National |
Razvoj finansijskih institucija i tržišta u Srbiji -mikroekonomski i makroekonomski pristup
Centre for Economic Research at the Faculty of Economics in Kragujevac |
National |
Razvoj i implementacija SeLaR Informacionog sistema
Laboratory for Microbiology |
National |
Development and investigation of hybrid plane collector of solar energy for heat and electricity conversion
Laboratory for Thermodynamics and Heat Engineering |
National |
Razvoj i primena logističkih sistema za korišćenje biomasa i otpadnog drveta kao energenata u domaćinstvima i industriji
Laboratory for Electrical Machines, Drives and Regulations LEDR - Lab |
National |
Razvoj i primena rekuperativnog razmenjivača toplote u mehanički abrazivnim sredinama
Centre for Thermal Technique and Environment Protection |
National |
Razvoj i realizacija elektro hidrauličkog dvokomponentnog pulzatora
Research of Noise, Vibration and Harshness |
Corporative |
Razvoj infastrukture za prioritetna polja nauke
Centre for Molecular Medicine and Stem Cell Research |
National |
Razvoj kompjuterskih modela i softvera za modeliranje i simulacije iz oblasti opšteg i biomedicinskog inženjeringa
Centre for Bio-Engineering |
National |
Razvoj metoda i softvera za analizu, simulaciju i optimizaciju procesa velikih deformacija u mašinskoj industriji
Engineering Software Research Group |
National |
Razvoj metoda i softvera za modeliranje elektromagnetnog polja prilikom funkcionalne elektrostimulacije na ruci
Centre for Bio-Engineering |
International |
Razvoj metoda i softvera za numerička i eksperimentalna istraživanja iz oblasti biomedicinskih nauka
Centre for Bio-Engineering |
National |
Razvoj metoda, softvera i uređaja za oblast biomehanike i bioinženjeringa
Centre for Bio-Engineering |
National |
Razvoj niskopodnog gradskog autobusa
Research of Noise, Vibration and Harshness |
Corporative |
Razvoj niskopodnog gradskog autobusa
Research of Noise, Vibration and Harshness |
National |
Razvoj nove konstrukcije lašike bagera kontinualnog dejstva u cilju integrisanja modularnih reznih elemenata
CAD Laboratory |
National |
Razvoj optimalne grupe baznih uređaja i sistema uljne hidraulike programa IHP "Prva Petoletka" - Trstenik
CAD Laboratory |
National |
Razvoj postrojenja za bojenje i sušenje proizvoda
Centre for Thermal Technique and Environment Protection |
Corporative |
Razvoj softvera i hardvera iz oblasti bioinženjeringa sa primenom u kliničkoj praksi,
Centre for Bio-Engineering |
National |
Razvoj softvera za analizu čvrstoće i procenu radnog veka konstrukcije
Engineering Software Research Group |
National |
Razvoj softvera za eksplicitnu nelinearnu dinamičku analizu
Engineering Software Research Group |
National |
Razvoj softvera za rešavanje spregnutih multifizičkih problema
Engineering Software Research Group |
National |
Development of Solar asymmetric stationary parabolic concentrators for electricity and heat generation
Laboratory for Thermodynamics and Heat Engineering |
National |
Razvoj teretnog vozila formule 4x4
Research of Noise, Vibration and Harshness |
Corporative |
Real problems of mechanics
Centre for testing and calculation of machine elements and systems - CIPMES |
National |
Regional railway transport research and training centre foundation
Centre for Railway Vehicles |
International |
Reinforcement of Research Capacity in Software Development and Innovative Collaborative Design and Engineering in Serbia and Montenegro
Centre for Information Technologies |
International |
Reinforcement of Research Capacity in Software Development and Innovative Collaborative Design and Engineering in Serbia and Montenegro
Centre for Virtual Manufacturing |
International |
Reinforcement of Research Capacity in Software Development and Innovative Collaborative Design and Engineering in Serbia and Montenegro
Engineering Software Research Group |
International |
Reconstruction of cutting teeth of the bucket wheel excavator SchRS1600(G3)
Laboratory for Advanced Materials SASA, Department for Amorphous Systems |
National |
Renewal of steel car parts with aluminium
Centre for Virtual Manufacturing |
International |
Research and development of a Serbian net-zero energy house
Laboratory for Thermodynamics and Heat Engineering |
National |
Research and development of new formula vehicle wheels 4x4, total mass up to 4 tons
Centre for testing and calculation of machine elements and systems - CIPMES |
National |
Restructuring of Mechanical Engineering Studies
Centre for Information Technologies |
International |
Restructuring of Mechanical Engineering Studies
Research of Noise, Vibration and Harshness |
International |
Reverzni inženjering i izrada prototipa ručice
Centre for Virtual Manufacturing |
Corporative |
Reverzni inženjering i modeliranje lampice za led diodu
Centre for Virtual Manufacturing |
Corporative |
Reverzni inženjering ploče razmenjivača toplote i simulacija oblikovanja lima
Centre for Virtual Manufacturing |
Corporative |
Revitalization and repopulation of tench (Tinca tinca) in pond systems and inland water of Serbia
Laboratory of Hydrobiology and Centre for Conservation of Biodiversity and Fishing in inland waters - AQUARIUM „PMF KG” |
National |
Rural Sustainable Development Through Integration Of Renewable Energy Technologies In Poor European Regions
Laboratory for Thermodynamics and Heat Engineering |
International |
Rаzvoj energetski efikаsnog postrojenjа zа gаsifikаciju i kogenerаciju čvrste biomаse
Centre for Automatic Control and Fluid Technique |
National |
Science teacher education revision and upgrading
Research Group of Prof. Dr. Živadin D. Bugarčić |
International |
Set up a new laboratory system for NVH of vehicles as part of teaching curricula and redesign of laboratory practice to the Motor vehicles and IC engines course at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Research of Noise, Vibration and Harshness |
International |
Simulacija i analiza procesa oblikovanja opružnog kontakta
Centre for Virtual Manufacturing |
Corporative |
Simulacija procesa valjanja profila za projektovanje mašine
Centre for Virtual Manufacturing |
Corporative |
Simulacija višeoperacionog hladnog istiskivanja delova sa ozubljenjem
Centre for Virtual Manufacturing |
Corporative |
Sinteza i reaktivnost novih organskih jedinjenja i kompleksa metala kao potencijalnih terapeutskih i biološki aktivnih agenasa
Research Group of Prof. Dr. Živadin D. Bugarčić |
National |
Skeniranje i modeliranje segmenata pužnog vratila
Centre for Virtual Manufacturing |
Corporative |
South East European GRID enabled eInfrastructure Development
Group for Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulations |
International |
South East European GRID enabled eInfrastructure Development (2006-2008)
Group for Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulations |
International |
South-Eastern European Grid-enabled eInfrastructure Development 2
Centre for Bio-Engineering |
International |
Specifični kompjuterski model koronarnih arterija kod pacijenta i predviđanje nastanka i razvoja arterosklerotičkog plaka
Centre for Bio-Engineering |
International |
Strategijske i taktičke mere za rešavanje krize konkurentnosti realnog sektora u Srbiji
Centre for Economic Research at the Faculty of Economics in Kragujevac |
National |
Strengthening Railway Vehicles Centre of Faculty of Mehanical Engineering Kraljevo – SeRViCe
Centre for Railway Vehicles |
International |
truktura novih kompleksa jona prelaznih metala i mehanizam njihovih reakcija sa biološki značajnim ligandima
Research Group of Prof. Dr. Živadin D. Bugarčić |
National |
Student Counceling and Career Guidance
Centre for Lifelong Learning, Student Counselling and Career Development |
International |
Studija o izgradnji kapaciteta Republike Srbije u oblasti strateškog planiranja u energetskom sektoru
Centre for Thermal Technique and Environment Protection |
International |
SYNTHESIS (Synthesys of systematic resources)
Laboratory for General and Applied Entomology |
International |
The taxonomic, biogeographical and autecological studies of flora and fauna
Laboratory for General and Applied Entomology |
National |
The running waters of Serbia - research of biodiversity and using the data in typology, development of ecological index and monitoring the ecological status
Laboratory of Hydrobiology and Centre for Conservation of Biodiversity and Fishing in inland waters - AQUARIUM „PMF KG” |
National |
TEMPUS projekat "Improvement of Product Development Studies in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina"
Centre for testing and calculation of machine elements and systems - CIPMES |
International |
Teorijska i eksperimentalna istraživanja u mikrodozimetriji i radioekologiji
Radiation Physics Group |
National |
The development of components and systems for engines and vehicles
Centre for testing and calculation of machine elements and systems - CIPMES |
National |
The Emergence of Southern Multinationals and their Impact on Europe
Centre for Economic Research at the Faculty of Economics in Kragujevac |
International |
The GLOBAQUA project
Laboratory of Hydrobiology and Centre for Conservation of Biodiversity and Fishing in inland waters - AQUARIUM „PMF KG” |
International |
Transport biološki aktivnih molekula u fiziološkim membranama
Centre for Bio-Engineering |
National |
Transport EU Western Balkan Network for Training, Support and Promotion of Cooperation in FP7 research activites Regional railway transport research and training centre foundation
Centre for Railway Vehicles |
International |
Transport EU-Western Balkan Network for Training, Support and Promotion of Cooperation in FP7 research activities
Centre for Automatic Control and Fluid Technique |
International |
Unapređenje javnih politika u Srbiji u funkciji poboljšanja socijalne sigurnosti građana i održivog privrednog rasta
Centre for Economic Research at the Faculty of Economics in Kragujevac |
National |
Improvement of the competitiveness of enterprises in Serbia through new technologies transfer and support of innovations
Collaborative Training Centre of the University of Kragujevac - CTC |
International |
Directed analysis, structure and properties of multifunctional materials
Laboratory for Advanced Materials SASA, Department for Amorphous Systems |
National |
Uticaj snižavanja temperature vode u sekundarnom toku na smanjenje potrošnje energije u sistemu centralnog grejanja
Laboratory for Thermodynamics and Heat Engineering |
National |
Virtual Engineering
Centre for Virtual Manufacturing |
International |
Virtual Manufacturing Support for Enterprises in Serbia
Centre for Virtual Manufacturing |
International |
WBC Virtual Manufacturing Network – Fostering an Integration of the Knowledge Triangle
Collaborative Training Centre of the University of Kragujevac - CTC |
International |
Zаmenа ventilski uprаvljаnih sistemа sistemimа sа frekventnim regulаtorom
Centre for Automatic Control and Fluid Technique |
National |
Ревалоризација, категоризација и ревизија на инсектите од збирката на тврдокрилци од фондот на Природонаучниот музеј на Македонија
Laboratory for General and Applied Entomology |
International |
Утврдување на ретки и загрозени видови тврдокрилци (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) во Националниот Парк Пелистер
Laboratory for General and Applied Entomology |
International |