Centre for Information Technologies (CIT) is part of the Faculty of Engineering in Kragujevac. It was founded in 2002 by the Decision of the Teaching – Scientific Council. The centre, whose founder and manager is Prof. Dr. Nenad Grujović, involves young researchers and students in the realization of activities on internal, national and international projects.
CIT has long experience and significant success in realization and cooperation on large international projects (FP6, TEMPUS, INTERREG, WUS), both as coordinator and partner.
• Research and development in the area of information technologies, software engineering, design and implementation of computer aided systems, especially in the area of information and hydro-informatics
• Research and development in the area of rapid prototyping (RP)
• Development research and application in the area of bio-engineering as well as tissue and implant engineering
• Multidisciplinary research and application of information technologies and RP in the economics, agriculture, art and design
• Organization of education activities
• Publishing (printed material, electronic multimedia versions – CD, DVD, internet and remote learning)
Name | Host institution | |
![]() |
gruja@kg.ac.rs | Faculty of Engineering Kragujevac |
• The Centre developed cooperation with renown world institutions such as: Technical University Braunschweig (Germany), Technical University of Athens (Greece), Technical University of Creta (Greece), University of Bologna (Italy), UPC Barcelona (Spain), Imperial College (UK), Harvard University (USA), IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, etc.
• Links with national and international enterprises have been developed through participation in joint projects
• In cooperation with surgeons at Clinical centre in Kragujevac, an implant of sternum was produced by applying RP technology
• Student teams organized within CIT had excellent results on competitions in the area of information technologies:
• First place two years in a row at the national competition Imagine Cup 2008 and 2009, and
• Second place on world finals of Imagine Cup 2009 in Egypt
• CIT is official university centre for development and application of e-Learning and teleconferences and it is the member of e-Learning Task Force of Serbian network
• CIT is the official member of Microsoft Dynamics Academic Alliance and IBM Academic Initiative network
• Excellent achievements were accomplished by the employees in CIT in the area of hydroinformatics, as the area that Centre’s experts have been developing for a long period
• CIT is also famous as regional leader for software development in hydroinformatics and lead partner of the Institute for the development of water resources “Jaroslav Černi“
Resource Name | Type |
3D printer ZCorporation ZPrinter 310 | Equipment |
Polycom VSX 7000 - fixed | Equipment |
Equipment for hydroinformatics | Equipment |
Roland MDX-20 | Equipment |
Laser 3D scanner Roland PICZA LPX-2 | Equipment |
3D digitalizer Immersion Microscribe G2LX | Equipment |
System for vacuum casting MTT Vacuum Casting 5/01 | Equipment |
Sony PCS G70P – portable system | Equipment |
1. Kojić M., Grujović N., Slavković R. and Kojić A., Elastic-plastic orthotropic multilayered pipe deformation under external load and internal pressure, AIAA Journal, Vol.33, No.12, pp. 2354-2358, ISSN, 1995
2. Živković M., Kojić M., Slavković R. and Grujović N., A general beam finite element with deformable cross-section, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol.-, No.190, pp. 2651-2680, ISSN, 2001
3. Kojić M., Grujović N., Slavković R. and Živković M., A General Orthotropic Von Mises Plasticity Material Model with Mixed Hardening: Model Definition and Implicit Stress Integration Procedure, Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol.-, No.63, pp. 376-382, ISSN, 1996
4. Mandić V., Stefanović M., Živković M., Grujović N., Mišić B., FE analysis of tube forming process with experimental verification, JAMME, Vol.18, No.1,2, pp. 303-306, ISSN 1734-8412, 2006
5. Milos Stojkovic, Jelena Milovanovic, Nikola Vitkovic, Miroslav Trajanovic, Nenad Grujovic, Vladimir Milivojevic, Slobodan Milisavljevic and Stanko Mrvic, Reverse modeling and solid free-form fabrication of sternum implant, Australasian Physical & Engineering Science in Medicine, Vol.33, No.13246, pp., ISSN 0158-9938, Doi 10.1007/s13246-010-0029-1, 2010

Information technologies Software engineering Rapid prototyping Hydroinformatics Hydrologic Information System Remote control